The company is experiencing a new Smart Revolution, where we share many of our emotions, events and passions as a “file” in a new everyday life, the digital one. Not only today's teenagers, but all generations, are leaving their fingerprint on the Web, through voice, messages, photos.
The speed and ease of sharing all this information has made social media an essential component of our life, where communication has taken over day by day. Everything that is published is absorbed as life force and exactly why we wanted to create an Avatar, which could digitally interpret our fashion line.
Hey, my name is

Dante faithfully represents our Lifestyle, where yes, the digital world is the present, but nature is our home and traditions our identity.
It was born from the hand of a young designer, who, with a pencil in his hand, wanted with inspiration and personality to shape this creature of nature, awkward but charismatic, simple but with style. Like everyone else, Dante also digitized, through scanning it is “published” on our garments, using the latest digital printing technologies, strictly with water-based inks, odorless, resistant and respectful of nature.
100% Made in Italy, is Dante's identity, in fact both the yarns used and the craftsmanship performed for the packaging of our garments, they are all Italians.
La Nappina is all of this.